This brilliant documentary resonates loudly with me.

No puns intended.

Hat tip Vera

For silence is not God, nor speaking is not God;
fasting is not God, nor eating is not God;
loneliness is not God, nor company is not God;
nor yet any of all the other two such contraries.
He is hid between them, and may not be found
by any work of thy soul,
but all only by love of thine heart.

He may not be known by reason,
He may not be gotten by thought,
nor concluded by understanding;
but He may be loved and chosen
with the true lovely will of thine heart … .

Anonymous, Epistle of Discretion


Thou shalt not please Me
so well as thou dost
when thou art in silence,
and suffrest Me to speak
in thy soul.

A Short Treatyse Of Contemplation Taught By Our Lord Jesu Christ,
Taken Out Of The Book Of Margery Kempe, Ancress Of Lynn

Mysticism, Nature, Poetry, Time

*I* disappear


Oceans of the heart

“Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov, possibly the greatest composer of the 20th century, created the impossible, and what later was considered ‘superhuman’ – he captured the whole scale of human emotions in music. And while there is no question about the effect his music produces on us, there is a bigger question that startles us: if his music is only a transposition of his deeper emotions on paper, then how can anything of that scale, anything as big as an ocean find room in a man’s heart, and most importantly, what natural force could ever cause his soul to stir so much?”

~ Anna Novikova, Rachmaninov’s Little Russia in the Alps,
‘Our Russia’ magazine


This was my Christmas Day 2015.







Motorcycles, Nature

Birds of a feather..
